My first week at nemisa

My first week at nemisa was exciting, I got to meet my lectures and other school members, they are very nice people always willing to help one another with whatever you need.

Getting to meet and interact with my new class members it was kind of overwhelming and intimidating but I got to speak with them and I found out they are very nice people. 

Finding my way around the campus was not really difficult,because it is a building with only two floors and majority of the labs,kitchen, lecture offices,storage rooms,board room and auditorium are in the first floor. 

What I have learned at nemisa is that they taught us to be respectful to one another to be  respectful to the caretakers,the work environment and to do what your are assigned to do by the lecture, we were assigned to our computers,we were also given a concept work book to do  based on what is art and design to you? and Mr Mark gave us an activity about shading I also learned how to analys a movie using the theme,plot and character development concepts.


  1. Who knew that there is more to what the eye can see. Being able to analyze movies and actually see more than what is being shown I find very interesting and exciting. I find shading such a tedious process but the end results if done well is actually pretty cool. Happy you are enjoying yourself at Nemisa.

  2. Respect plays a huge role in character building, and I'm glad you willing to reciprocate the energy....Also allow yourself to create connection with the place and the people around the environment. A big S/O

  3. You know, I wanna know what's on the second floor...


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