Multiple intelligence

 My ideas on intelligence is that intelligence is the ability to learn, reason, solve problems and adapt to new situations whether it's cognitive ability which refers to the mental processes involved in learning, understanding and reasoning, Adaptability which is the ability to adapt to new situations, and learning from experience, and finally emotional intelligence which is the ability to understand and manage emotions in oneself and others.That was my idea before learning about multiple intelligence .

In my view now, intelligence is not a single, general ability but rather a collection  of independent mental abilities or intelligence for example Linguistic which is the ability to use words effectively in speech and writing. Logical-mathematical wich is the ability to reason, solve problems, and use numbers effectively.

What i have learnt about myself is that by being curious and exposing myself to different situations and always taking the time to learn and experience new things, it made me realise that im also intelligent and not only that all people are intelligent in their own way .


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